You come into your office in the morning and you expect everything to be clean and pristine… Right? What you find are trash cans that have not been emptied and mirrors in the restrooms that have not been cleaned. You place a call that morning to your janitorial service and by the end of the day, you still have not heard from your account manager. According to a consumer report in 2015 an article written by Tod Marks (Marks, 2015) some of the top complaints were:
- Can’t get a human on the phone.
- The salesperson is rude or condescending.
- Repeatedly asked for same information.
- Can’t speak to a supervisor.
Does this sound familiar? It is possible that they have no systems in place to handle the customer's complaint. There is a huge difference in gaining customers for the bottom line and dealing with the customers when they have concerns or complaints. When looking for a janitorial service, the price is important but the ability to deal with complaints are just as important. One good way to get this information is getting references from their current customers and speaking with them about the way they have responded to their complaints.
The systems A1 Cleaning San Jose uses in dealing with customer complaints are:
- Email is sent to the account manager. (All steps are monitored through our customer relation software by management.)
- Account manager immediately responds to let the client know the issue is being considered.
- Account Managers takes the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
- A telephone call is made to the client as well as an email to ensure the issue is being corrected.
- Follow up call is made to make sure issue is resolved.
If A1 Cleaning San Jose can be of any assistance in these areas or if you are currently looking for a janitorial service, please call us today.
Marks, T. (2015, November 2). Driving Them Crazy:
Americans' Top Customer Service Complaints. Retrieved from Consumer